V-Day or should I say V-Week: So this year V-day re
ally turned out to be closer
to a week. The festivities began with Jen and Kade attending a "Fancy and Formal" event. It apparently was a lot of fun although I know very few details. It definitely included food and dancing and that is pretty much all that matters to Kade. Check out the first picture of him dancing at the event. Then the real enchilada came to town...the true day of reckoning. Well, it started out craptacular with Kade getting up about 5:30 and running a huge fever. He ended up being sick all day which scuttled the plans to go out as a famdamily for lunch. Oh well, at least Jen had a special dinner planned for the family...it
started with two
appetizers: the worlds best chips and salsa from Whole Foods and some great fried potstickers. Then we moved on to the main course which featured crab stuffed shells. {She did not let me take a picture as she knew it would end up here and she wasn't ready for that}. We knocked off some white wine with the whole dinner...overall it was an amazing dinner. Oh, did I mention that Kade was sick? Yeah, both he and Payton ended up having chicken nuggets about 40 mins before dinner
was ready so they didn't end up having any ...oh well...their loss. Anyway, then we put the kiddos
down, watched some TV and ate desert. It was the most incredible bread pudding I ever had. It was made with banana bread (I think) and then topped with Hershey Kisses and caramel. It was really great. Just for the record I ended up getting Jen a scrap booking book a card and a box of hand selected chocolates. She appeared to be happy so I will take that! Kade was happy to get his gifts...although by the end you could tell that he was expecting more. I guess this is to be expected since both December and January turned out to be open season for gifts (x-mas and two b-day parties). Finally, a few days later, Jen had all of Kade's friends over for an impromptu V-Day party. Apparently it went off smashingly but seeing as I was too busy being bored silly at The Company...I will never know. I included a bunch of photos from VDay, the party as well as a quick one of Megan and Kade doctoring Laura ;-)
Kade Sayings: So over the past few weeks since the last installment of Kade Sayings I have gathered a few more gems:
- I was working in the living room the other weekend picking up the myriad of kid toys strung out through the house. Suddenly, Kade came running in from the kitchen and hugged my leg and said "I love you so much daddy!". Well, I guess we will see how long that lasts ;-)
- Then a few days later I am heading off to work. He sees me putting on my jacket and walks slowly over to the door. Seeing as he was not too happy about my departure I leaned over and gave him an extra hug before leaving. This time he quietly said in my ear "I will miss you so much daddy". Twice in one week...oh the blessing.
- Lately Kade has taken a real fondness to throwing and dropping (forcefully) just about anything that has the ability to dent tables and little sister heads. Being the concerned parents that we are we send him to time out a lot on this one. But the hard part of this is usually trying not to laugh while sending him to timeout. Not because throwing things is funny...but because every time he does he says in this really funny voice "Ga-Donk!" He has been saying that a lot lately.
- Finally, the other morning Kade and I pulled the early duty while Jen slept. About a half hour after Kade got up, sleeping beauty decided to join us (Payton not Jen) so she started to roll around in her crib. Seeing as how Kade LOVES to run to Payton's room and climb into her crib when she wakes up (and sometimes when she had not...grrrrr), I asked Kade if he wanted to go get Payton up. He tore off in a hurry and I didn't catch up with him until just outside her room. Then we go in quietly and he proceeds to start climbing the railing. When he sees her, out of the blue he says "Good morning princess". It was too funny.
Land Ho: For the past 9 weeks, we have been unable to see the ground due to that pesky white stuff which has stopped fallin' ever since the CherkyB went out and bought that
$2500 snowblower rig. Well, thanks to his generous offering to the snow gods, we can finally see the ground in our front yard!! Shiver me timbers matey!!!
Is land ho better or worse than crack ho?
Since Kade is really into pirate stuff right now I will stick with land ho ;-) Lord help us (actually Lord help him) if he ever gets interested in the other.
I just got a chance to see the story. Love the pictures and Kade-isms. But need all the real pics to share with my co-workers, who are dying to see my grandchildren ;-)
Love to all
The Kade-isms are an awesome treat...almost makes it worth the potty training nightmare ;-)
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