Thursday, January 17, 2008

Some random things on my mind...

First I will start with a rather scary topic...all those pictures on the wibbly-wobbly-web are being searched/patterned/cataloged. Soon, you will be able to search by a persons name and get all the pictures of that person on the web...just imagine the possibilities....both good and bad. Here is the link: over here. The worst part is that someone else can put YOU in the database without your consent...

Second, I know that this one is a little old now but it struck me pretty hard and I have not been able to shake the thought. A week ago there was a little incident in the Straight of Hormuz. You see...a few speed boats went out and almost got themselves blown up due to getting just a bit too close to some US Warships. There appears to be a bit of a difference in the audio that the US and Iran presented...we'll let that just add to the mystery. BUT...the thing that struck me immediately was the similarities with the Gulf of Tonkin incident. It sent shivers down my back...given the fact that the US may have had the motive to bait a confrontation and pulled a play from the old Vietnam playbook. Let's hope that there was no nefarious purpose to the incident on the US side. Let us also hope that there was no nefarious purpose to the incident on the Iranian side. Some people theorize that they may have been testing to see how the US would react to a high speed boat attack to better plan a future attack. Let's hope not...but in the meantime...I suggest A. J. Squared-Away stay on the guns!

The last one for tonight has to deal with gasoline. I think we have all struggled to understand if that high octane gas really does the body good. Well, I saw this on Yahoo a week or so ago and clipped it out. Seeing as how gas in Costa Rica is like $4.50 a gallon...and we drive two rental cars...this ain't much of a debate for us...the cheap-o stuff goes in. But what about those nice USofA cars that you are driving...verdict is in...go cheap unless your car sucks. Maybe this post should have gone on the personal finance website...oh well.


Anonymous said...

I have a high end car and have never put a drip of gas other than regular in it from day 1, even though the driver's manual recommends I do. But, I have never had any engine problems either! Of course, I get it serviced every 3,000 to 4,000 miles too.

I guess with my math skills translating dollars to colones, I didn't realize gas was that high in CR.

Jen said...

It is 585 colon for 1 500c/$ that is about $1.17 per liter. At 3.79L/G that means $4.43 per gallon....what a deal!