Monday, January 28, 2008

So we do get smarter....

Tonight the Mrs. and I were having one of those deep conversations that we love to have with each other (a.k.a., I was re-packaging chicken and she was finishing the dishes). Suddenly she turns to me and pronounces that she is having deja vous. In the process of her sudden motion she spilled some water out onto the counter and looks at me...followed by this:
Mrs: "That happened too in my deja vous"
Rob: (pause - aaaaand....nothing)
Mrs: "In my deja vous you told me 'Way to go' and I told you 'yeah, like I meant to do that'"
Rob: "So I am getting smarter"
Mrs: "I guess so"
Just proves that practice makes perfect...even when you are not aware of it.

Also, we finally got our Air conditioner installation completed....only took 12 days. Of course today is like the coldest day of the year being a man and all...I still turned the one in our master to the lowest setting to see what it could dish out...

Finally, Payton's eye is finally starting to look a little better. I think Jen has been taking pictures...once she downloads the pictures I will contemplate putting together a photo-time journal of the rise and fall of the cyst....gripping stuff I know!

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