Monday, March 5, 2007

Pre-Birthday Anticipation

This week has seen a flurry of activity around the Cavitation household...but none as important as the festivities Saturday 32nd birthday. In anticipation of the great event, on Friday I braved the elements (cold and windy) and made the long trip over to the mailbox to see what good fortune has been bestowed upon me. As I open the mailbox the first things I see are two keys to the package boxes below...ahhh a good sign indeed. Then I notice that the mailbox is absolutely stuffed to the top....another good sign. So I quickly grab the two keys, get the packages below, grab the loot from the mailbox and dart back to la casa de Cavitation. On the walk back home I am pleased by the sheer weight of the pile...oh I can almost taste the spoils of another wonderful birthday! Once safely back in the warmth of our home I settle in for the moment of truth. Seeing as I was impressed with the sheer weight of my boooty, I decide to pull out the scale and give a peek...oh good times indeed...the mail alone (minus packages) topped off just a smidgen over 6 pounds!! So I decide to do a quick count of the mail...a monster 32 pieces of mail! So now, the moment of truth...

Packages Received:
  1. A sample of Enfamil formula. Not quite what I was hoping for...but still, free formula is free formula.
  2. A package of presents for Kade and Payton..."Self, huh...what is the deal with that?".
Not to be deterred and my optimism still in full swing, I rip into that big juicy pile of mail....yes all 6 pounds of it!!!
  1. 5.5 pounds of catalogs and magazines for Jen...not a good start...
  2. A few pieces of junk mail
  3. One bill for our local garbage company (to haul off the 5.5 pounds of catalogs and magazines)
  4. One birthday card...yes you read right I did NOT get shutout!!!
Thanks to the Albunukie relatives it was a grand success. You see, while it may seem like getting as many bills as birthday cards would be depressing to some...the fact that I did not get blanked was a big plus in my book!

PS - I did get one more birthday card on Sat, technically making the deadline. This was from Albunukie's mother...seems those gals have their stuff together.

PPS - Monday I got two more cards...the first was from our NC 3/4 Marine relatives (who ALWAYS take the time to send a card) and the second was from dear old Danno... so in the end I got 4 cards and 3 bills from Fri-Mon which is arguably a huge success...

PPPS - I know that Jen will totally kick my butt as she is already starting to get see, her b-day is this upcoming Sat!


Unknown said...

We all thought of you on your birthday, Rob! That doesn't show up in the mail though!!! I guess our extra sensory perception ain't working too well either since you didn't feel the vibes. Alas ... Happy Bday Greetings ... to you and your lovely wife!!!

CherkyB said...

I'm pretty sure we'll all toast your birthday at the next fat camp. Maybe we'll even go to the Town Pump to make it feel really authentic.

Nava said...


Anonymous said...

Awww, come on!! I called!! What could be better than a birthday call from your mother?!?!?!? And, the first words out of my mouth werer "Happy Birthday!" AND I did not sing the song!

Rob said...

All valid points. All in all, it was a great birthday...I will have to post about it later this week. As for fat camp this week...might be tough since Jen's is this weekend but I will try.

Jen said...

He forgot to mention that his kids got him a bike helmet, pedals and a bike computer. His wife is getting him a Kelty backpack so we can haul both of our kids all over Costa Rica. We also took him out to breakfast and made him a strawberry rhubarb pie. Then there is the whole party...bottom line, I wouldn't feel too sorry for Rob.

Rob said...

yes - as I stated above, I had a great birthday. I was going to write about all the wonderful things we did as a family separately ;-)