Thursday, December 21, 2006

Ouch - what hurts.? Oh, that's my back!

Well the blizzard has come and gone. We got a total of about 2 feet of snow. Official numbers range from 21-24 so being a fisherman I guess I should have said 3 feet ;-) Kade had an absolute ball out in the snow today...he really loved making the snowman and sledding off the hill in the front yard. Here are a few pictures to show you all the straight skinny.

I made some special seats for the kids in the snowbank as you can see here. They were perfect for the kiddos. Kade and mom also hit the hill in the front yard. As you can see it ended up being pretty steep after I was done shoveling the driveway. Looks like we wont be getting out of town for Albuturkey until Sat morning now...good thing we are not flying! Oh, we also opened another couple of presents this evening...we figure it is best given the fact that the kids have about a zillion presents this year waiting for them...need to get a head start. One last photo before I logoff...


Unknown said...

Been waiting all day for an update! It was worth it! Nothing like snow to make it feel like Christmas!!! Have a Merry One!!!

Anonymous said...

I love it, especially the pictures. Have a safe trip.

Anonymous said...

isn't life grand.

Rob said...

Yea, grandma Judy finally joined us! Still stuck in CO...ugh.

Jen said...

I love snow but seriously...will we ever get to leave! I am going to gain 15lbs with all the sweets in this house. UGH!

Rob said...

Honey - you still look amazing to me ;-)