Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Kade continues to potty train

Kade is doing better today although I did get a very angry call this morning from the Mrs. Apparently Kade decided to take a deuce on the floor and Payton may or may not have played with it...still not sure about what really happened. BUT...after that, he went the entire day without a diaper and no more accidents. He even went on his own once without anyone telling him to or anyone helping him. He just casually walked into the kitchen and told us that he had already gone to the potty. Well, we checked and sure enough e had. So maybe we are making some progress after all.

As a reward for the good potty training day we went out for some ice cream. There is a Haagen Dazs at the end of our road ;-) For the first time, I ordered entirely in Spanish...Jen even looked at me like...what did you just say. All I said was "otro cono de chocholate" but it was a small step forward. After we got our ice cream we walked around the small mall and found a place to get the kiddos hair cut. I walked in and asked in Spanish...how much a haircut costs...response 2,500!!! Oh yeah, that's only $5...much better than that scamola place Coolcuts in Fort Collins. We also found a kids furniture store that looks like a Pottery Barn catalog...good thing we found that after we got the kiddos rooms mainly situated ;-)

Anyway, just wanted to keep you updated on Kade's progress....


Anonymous said...

"Payton may or may not have played with it"
ahhh the memories.....

Anonymous said...

I love it!! Glad to hear Kade is doing better at potty training, I know you guys are frustrated with it. And I am glad to hear you are picking up Spanish so easily. I had to look up the word 'cono' to make sure it was a proper word and not another gringo word with an 'o' attached.

CherkyB said...

When did you wife change her name to my wife's name?

Jen said...

It's legit...cono was on the menu ;-)

CherkyB said...

I'll have the vinaigrette.