Thursday, May 31, 2007

A bad hairday

Today was a bad hair day for Jen. Apparently she tried to take the kids over the the local Burger King for a little playtime on the habitrail (and no, I have not forgiven Mr. Fallon). Apparently the kiddos were playing just fine until Kade yells "POTTY"...the international sign for..."get your arse in gear or your gonna have a mess". So Jen tries to get Payton off the habitrail and get over to Kade...oooooohhhhhh, just a little too late. He's already making his own little fishing pond...with the added bonus of realistic logs for the fish to hide under. Poor Jen...all she wanted to do was do something nice for the kiddos...oh well, life happens. Maybe tomorrow things will be better.

I also am starting to get into my new job now...being a manager is very different. People really do look to you for advice/help/direction... hmmm, maybe I should have gotten some sort of training for this job. Looking online, I found the following...I am trying to decide which certification would serve me better...I am kind of leaning towards the latter...
  • Certified Manager (CM)
    - a generalist certification for all types of managers, at all levels, and in all fields

Oh yeah - and I will have the vinaigrette as well... thanks CherkyB for ruining my Hooter's blue cheese craving....and tomorrow is that stinks!!!

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