Sunday, May 20, 2007

100th Post!!!

So this is the 100th post on the Cavitation blog, hope you have enjoyed your glimpse into our world thusfar.

So, it has been almost a week since I wrote last and a LOT has transpired. We officially moved into our new Costa Rica home last day behind schedule. I think that had a little something to do with the fact that we do not have a TV at the homestead yet as our air shipment is supposed to be here early this week...and the fact that Thursday night was the season finale of Grey's Anatomy... so Jen was willing to cough up the extra $100 to watch her show and stay in air conditioning one last night. As I was saying, we finally moved in on Friday and it has been a mad dash to get the house in living shape. Unfortunately, the house was an absolute friggin' mess when we got here. The floors were so dirty that after a few hours of Payton scooting across the floor, her legs were almost black...yeah, it was actually that bad. So Jen and I got to spend the better part of Thursday and Friday mopping and cleaning the new diggs. Anyway, We finally have most of our furniture (we will take dome pics and post them shortly) and most of the little things needed to live on a daily basis but without the bulk of our toys and TV/computers...things are getting a little boring. Four days without TV is something to try sometime ;-) This week we hope to complete the house and most importantly get some form of a play structure for the backyard. We did find a swing/slide structure on the other end of our complex which is a great relief to Jen as now she will have somewhere to at least walk and let Kade burn some energy. Also, Grandma Judy was gracious enough to extend her stay by an extra 4 days to help out a little longer. Her Spanish has been pure gold and I think she is getting her fill of the kiddos...maybe a little too much ;-)

On the big news front...Payton began walking. She took her first real steps this weekend. She has been standing on her own now and she took about 5 steps to come to papa. She really does best when she isn't thinking about it. Once she realizes that she is walking on her own she tends to dive for the closest object ;-) I really hope that our baby gates get here soon!!! I will have to take some video and put it up here sometime this week.

Also, Congrats to Angela who is now officially a Vet ... finally ;-)

Lastly, we finally got the bill for the glass door that Kade broke...

How expensive was it to replace a glass storefront door in Costa Rica?
Free polls from

PS. - I also found a website that tells you how to get Google blogger back into English. This is important seeing as it likes to translate your IP into a country and then use the local language (Spanish in our case). Once it does that, it can be difficult to find the link to get it back into your native this is how to do it:
Okay, if you are logged into blogger and on your blog's main page, you
can click on the little blogger icon on the left top corner and it
will take you to your dashboard. When you are on your dashboard, you
should see your blog names below and your profile picture and name to
the right. The third bullet down from the picture is the Change
Language link. Click on that and select English and save (English
should be the top one, and Save is the big orange button).


Anonymous said...

how exciting that Payton took her first steps in Costa Rica!

I say 6 bucks.

Anonymous said...

the suspense is killing me much did it cost to fix???