Thursday, April 26, 2007

Two things you don't want to see when moving to Costa Rica

This week has seen two events unfold which you really never want to see when moving.
  • First, after getting our house under contract and getting really close to closing...your 3 year old son walks through the house with a full strawberry shake and the bottom of the damned styrofoam cup falls out...sending the entire contents down onto your beautiful beige carpet which you have worked for years to keep clean so you could sell your house someday! Thanks Sonic for your crappy cheap cups.
  • Second, after you have already sold your truck and cashed the check....but you are still driving the truck since the Hamburgler is out of town and nice enough to let you keep driving...the roofing contractor down the road decides to leave you a nice present in your front left tire! And then when you go to have the hole find out that there is a 6 inch crack on the inside of the tire. Even the mechanic is nervous to blow the tire back up due to the threat of you end up putting $600 worth of new sneakers on someone else's truck....
I guess the second one is ok though...I would have felt really terrible if the Hamburgler was injured due to a tire blowout in the first week driving the truck! Oh yeah, He works in mysterious ways...


Nava said...

Sounds like Murphy is in town, applying his law, big time.

So, you really are moving???

How come The JohnnyB does not get such tempting relo offers?

CherkyB said...

I own a wonderful carpet shampooer, if you would like to borrow it.

CherkyB said...

And I hear that Fort TomCollins is recruiting The JohnnyB. That's a much better deal than Costa Rica.

Rob said...

There is still pink in the carpet this morning. One of the folks coming over this weekend is already bringing a carpet cleaner...thx for the offer....and why is it that you own every gadget in the planet? Seems like maybe Fort Tom Collins is paying their employees a little too much...something for Nava/JohnnyB to think about ;-)

CherkyB said...

I own a carpet cleaner because my darling dog, FreddyC, is a barfer. Believe it or not, I am on my third carpet cleaner, but only first dog.

Nava said...

Well, carpet cleaners or not - - - I still envy the whole Costa Rica deal.
It's a great adventure, Rob!!