Thursday, April 26, 2007

Kade's Classes

Kade is now officially booked all week. He is in preschool (T/TH), a farm class (F) and a swimming class(M/W). All are "no mommy" classes and he has been doing great at all of them up until this week. Suddenly he started having a bit of a breakdown at his swimming classes. This is interesting seeing as how it is just one of the three classes...but is it still a disconcerning trend. Maybe Jen and I are just hyper sensitive at this stage due to the impending move and the impact it will have on Kade...but still, it never makes the papa happy to see the glum face. We just hope that the stress of the move is not starting to show through....

The farm class is interesting...they collect eggs, hold baby animals, milk cows and stuff like that. He appeared to enjoy the first week (last week)...we will see how things hold up.

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