Friday, April 6, 2007

April Fools'!

A recent April Fools' post by Flogger reminded me of my father's standard April Fools' day ritual. Every year, he would go to the back window and look outside (I was probably about 5 to 7 years old during the most effective years). He would then declare that there was a purple moose in the backyard and that we needed to come and see it. Every year we would tear ass over to the window only to be disappointed in ourselves yet again. So I figured I would get a head start with Kade this year:
  • I went to the back window and started screaming about a purple cow in the backyard - seeing as we don't have moose or meese in Fort Collins ;-)
  • Kade came flying over to the window and started looking around...and looking...and looking
  • Finally I said "April Fools' Day!"
  • He looked at me, tilted his head, made an expression like I had three heads and walked away shaking his head
Oh well, maybe next year ;-)

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