Friday, December 21, 2007

Tips for Costa Rica...

#1: When you approach a toll, keep in mind that a green light means stop (lane open)....and a red light means go (lane closed). It's all very confusing.

#2: Do not use the term "America" when referring to the USofA. It offends many people outside the 50 states who share this great big continent. I accidentally used it today and immediately got a geography lesson from a co-worker....politely educating me that there was a North, South AND Central "America". He even went so far as to remind me that Canada is even part of America...which made me think...hmmmm.


Anonymous said...

you are getting such an edumacation there in Costa Rica (Central America)

CherkyB said...

Did you sit him down and say, "Son, there's only two Americas. There's the one I'm from, and there's the commies."

CherkyB said...

But seriously, though, this is politically correct manufactured offense, and it only works because Americans are always so worried about what foreigners think of us. Can you imagine yourself correcting someone else on what he calls his home country? Can you imagine the level of arrogance and disrespect it takes? "You know, there are actually three Dakotas: North Dakota, South Dakota, and the Dakota Tribe. It's offensive to people from North Dakota and South Dakota for members of the Dakota Tribe to refer to themselves as just Dakota."

The unmitigated chutzpah. Americans is just too nice. If you corrected a Scotsman and said, "Actually, you're from the United Kingdom," He'd probably punch you in the mouth.