Saturday, June 2, 2007

Nightly Prayers

Last night was no different at the Cavitation house. I settled into bed with Kade and read a pair of books, without skipping any pages this time. Then we turned out the lights and said our nightly prayers. On this evening it went something like this:
Both: "Now I lay me down to sleep. I pray the lord my soul to keep. May angels watch me through the night. And keep my safe till morning light. Amen."

Dad: "Is there anyone special you would like to pray for tonight?"

Kade: "Yup...Megan."

Dad: "Anyone else?"

Kade: "Zach. Yeah, Zacharonie too."

Dad: "Ok, let's get some sleep."

Kade: "And...Bob the builder, Wendy, Lofty, Muck and Rolley"

Dad: "Hmmm, ok...good night."

Kade: "And Tyrone and the Sultan of Arabia" [Backyardigan references]

Dad: "Anyone else Kade?"

Kade: "Shhhhh, it's late...go to sleep."
And there you have it.


Anonymous said...

that's so sweet.

Rob said...

Now every night he tells me that it's late and we can only pray for one person.