Thursday, June 21, 2007

A simple trip to the farmers market...

As promised I am trying to get at least a little caught up with the recent updates down here in Costa Rica. This will be more pictures than anything so here goes. First, here are some pictures of the kiddos playing in the backyard. As you can see...the bouncer is pretty much a hit in any country. Also, you can see that the recent play equipment is still getting put to good use. Jen tells me that Payton was able to climb up a slide very similar to the one at the house....I am still not sure I believe it, but she keeps insisting it is true so I guess we shall believe her ;-)

The second set of pictures are from our first venture out to the Fereteria (sp?) in Pavo. This is a huge farmers market with just about anyhting that you can think of. Everything from veggies. fruit, fish, chicken, flowers, name it. We were even able to score a few fresh coconuts to quench that early morning thirst that you get when walking out in the tropical sun. The whole experience was a true challenge seeing as how we didn't know: what half the things we were looking at were, don't speak the language (and they no speaka my language either), don't completely understand the whole metric/colone stuff yet, one child was past her morning nap time and the other is still potty training and could erupt at any time! But all in all, I think we got just about everything on the list without incident. Since then we have gone back with a much longer list...the entire produce list for the week...and scored everything in under 45 mins with less than $10. We even bought our fish there...that's impressive...which worked out the be about $3-5 per pound for fresh fish (although I am not entirely sure what type of fish we ended up with since I had never heard of it before...but it was good looking, fresh, and ended up tasting pretty darn good). was a great adventure. The colors and sights/sounds were all quite something to take in...a very different experience from the farmers markets in the USofA.


Anonymous said...

Hope it wasn't carp.

Rob said... definitely was not! carp = crap. It did start with a "C" though...

Nava said...

These coconuts beat any USofA-made juice!

Rob said...

And you can eat the inside too...!

Nava said...

Don't rub it in! I am envious enough as it is...

On our vacation in Grenada, there were coconut trees in the backyard of where we were staying, loaded with ripe coconuts. We asked the owner to show us how to cut a coconut open - and he came back with a glass jar full of coconut juice... totally missed the point!