Monday, June 22, 2009

Two things

First, I have unconfirmed reports this mornign from Jen that Avery finally rolled on her own from her front to her back. I tried to get it on film...but you know how that goes. I just caught the second showing where she got pissed and started crying.

Second, need to pass along this little family conversation today. We were driving in the car, heading over to Ken's to pick up Kylie.
Kade: Dad, go faster!
Dad: Kade, I can't.
Kade: Faster, like a roller coaster!
Dad: There is a red light up ahead.
Mom: And there is a police man right there [pointing] don't want daddy to get a ticket do you?
Kade: No...ok...go slow.
Payton: Daddy, do you have any money?
Dad: For what honey?
Payton: To give the police man.
Mom: [laughing] Payton, we aren't in Costa Rica can't pay the police in the US.
Payton: Oh.
Ah, ourworldly children!


Unknown said...

Seems the only thing they didn't learn in Costa Rica was Spanish!?! TOO FUNNY!!!

Rob said...

Well - they definitely understand Spanish better than the speak it. Still hard to tell what they really know since we don't speak it too well ;-( Arelis used to have normal conversations with the kiddos...

J.T. said...

That is friggin' hilarious!