Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The right move for the wrong reason?

Today McCain announced that he was suspending his campaign and heading back to Washington to try and help hammer out an agreement with respect to the $700B fiasco. In the end, you can argue the guy's motives (as I am sure both the left and right wings will be doing for at least the next few days) BUT is it the right thing?

I say yes. After all...these two guys are STILL BOTH Senators for heavens sake. Shut the hell up and get in the game instead of watching from the sidelines and taking punches at each other.

While, I am not sure he needed to totally suspend his campaign to go back and work on this, I do like the fact that he will be doing his job for the country first and foremost.

I hear that Obama is now also planning to go back to Washington to participate...good for both of them. There is room enough for both of them to "Win" on this one.

One addition: Since Bush and McCain have forced a meeting today...I suspect that the Democratic lead Congress will now be forced to act. I have a feeling that they will suddenly be able to pull this out "on their own". Again, the right move for the wrong reasons...a theme in current politics


Anonymous said...

Did you see that Obama slammed McCain, saying that a president should beable to multi-task? Obama isn't suspending his campaign to do HIS CURRENT JOB, because he's already chosen how he will vote: present. Or maybe absent.

Rob said...

Ha - that's a good one! This whole thing is almost embarrassing at this point...

CherkyB said...

Are you flirting with my wife? Cuz I'll kick your skinny little butt.