Thursday, September 4, 2008

One Addition...

In addition to the Susan Reimer article...did you hear Rudy Giuliani last night? He was pretty fired up...but there was one thing he said at the end of his speech that resonated. He condemned the media for asking Sarah Palin if she would have enough time to be VP and a which he asked "when did they aver ask that of a man?" (or something like that). Good point Rudy.

As a parallel story, a while ago one of Jen's friends laughed at the concept that Jen could go on a long weekend without her kids because Dad's were not able to take care of the kiddos for an entire 3 day weekend. It struck me as a really stupid comment....either made out of complete ignorance or out of some deeper contempt for fathers (planted by the feminists). In the end, I wrote it off to ignorance and dismissed this "friend".

Which brings me back to the Rudy question. To take it a step further...Why does the media "write off" Todd Palin as being unable to care for HIS family?? Much like many years ago, this just further turns me off to the "objective"media. They claim to be independant...but here they are nakedly re-inforcing a stereotype that "women need to be in the home and men need to bring in the bacon". Instead of getting angry...just dismiss them. Turn off the TV and walk away.


Anonymous said...


sara krahulec said...

Could not agree more and was thinking the same thing after the speech....Go McCain/Palin!!!