Saturday, August 2, 2008

The Playmobil Airplane...for Poppy

Tonight Kade talked on the phone with Poppy. It was a loooong far the longest of Kade's illustrious career on the horn. Most of the conversation was Kade telling Poppy all about his Playmobil airplane. Now...for the record...Poppy has been to CR and already seen the airplane, but Kade forgot that little detail (much like Poppy forgets the stories he has told me before). Apparently Poppy did not have the heart to tell Kade this little detail. Instead he told Kade to take a picture and send it to him so he could see this marvelous creation. So here it all it's Glory. ...THE PLAYMOBIL AIRPLANE!!!

Let the world comment on it's greatness!


Anonymous said...

Hey Kade
That was a great phone call last night!!!
I Love your plane, I had forgotten about it, and I thought that you were telling me about another one??? Poppy gets a little confused at times!!
Love all of you

Jen said...

Go Giants! And Kade wants to draw a picture of his big airplane and send it to Poppy.