Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Fathers Day - Part 2

Friday continued with a small Father's Day event at Payton's class. This time there is no video. We were all holding hands which made operating the camera a bit of an impossibility. You did not miss much though...basically it was the teacher blaring the Barney "I Love You" song in Spanish...and the teachers singing while the kiddos just looked around and the fathers looked at the other fathers wondering what the heck we were supposed to do.....priceless! They did make mini-slate presents with their footprint on them. Payton was very proud of it and told me many times that she made that with her foot. Payton also got a few hugs in with Gray before the whole thing ended.

Then on Sunday (unofficially Father's Day part 3) we opened gifts on the couch. My gifts this year were: a pack of 1500 zip ties and a new wallet. Jen gave me quite a scare with the wallet. She printed out a picture of some designer brand one that was $355. I looked at her like...noooo you did not. She laughed and said she would never waste that much money on me. What a good wife!

1 comment:

CherkyB said...

Yeah. Instead she got you a $25 wallet and spent the $330 she saved on big, plastic toys for the kiddos.

Oh wait, we were talking about your wife...