Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Desperate Times Call For Desparate Measures...

When I get called out by CherkyB for my blog I know that it is usually going to be some mommy-blogger or bore-blogger comment....but when CC starts getting up in my grill I know that I am getting seriously behind. So here I will give you no excuses....just some easter goodies!

The Easter season kicked off in an interesting way this year. You CR...Holy Thursday and Good Friday are both national holidays. AND...just to top it off, the NCAA BBall tourney juuust happened to start on Holy Thursday. What great luck...I got to watch a lot more of UCONN playing crappy than I care to ever see again. But I digress... Thursday ended up being consumed with Kade's friend Brady's birthday party. It was a modest affair at the (unheated) pool here in Condominio Calahonda. Jen has already uploaded the pictures and will send the link out I won't bother with those. Then on Friday we waited all day for the big game. Even Payton got into the groove by wearing her newest UCONN gear courtesy of Poppy - as you can see in the pictures. What you can not see in the pictures is that she has no pants on (as that would probably get me in trouble somehow)....apparently she was so upset by the UCONN loss that she wanted to pee in those lousy pants...I think I heard her say something like "piss on them" before letting loose!! Then after we all calmed down....we settled in for the coloring of the Easter eggs. This is always a love/hate affair in our house as Kade always drops the eggs in too hard and breaks them all....while Payton is spilling dye all over the place. But...they both love it so we all enjoy/tolerate the whole affair. Saturday was a nice day spent with the "Panama-Jen and the tribe" who just happened to be in town....we had a nice BBQ Rib dinner. And then the big day....


Seeing as how we live in a predominantly Catholic country, there is at least one church per every square mile. I find it interesting that we were unable to find our way to a single one ;-) Anyway.... as always the morning started with the Jellybean trail. Now...I did not think too much about this seeing as how you basically just throw jellybeans into a line and put gifts along the way.....but seeing as how this is CR...nothing is as easy as one might expect. The night before I set out the trail. As I was setting the out the JBs...I gots-to-a-thinking:
"these little buggers are solid sugar....hmmm....ants love sugar.....we have lots of ants....and I bet those cockroaches wouldn't mind a slice of the action either....and oh yeah....the JBs are kind of sticky due to that humididty....that must be why all the dirt on the tile is sticking to the JBs...hmmmm...this is going to be interesting....maybe Jen won't notice all the ants and cockroaches dead on the floor from sugar and red dye #5 overdose tomorrow morning..."
So I continued on, finishing the trail. BUT, before going to bed I did decide to spray all the major ant arteries with CR's version of Raid, left a light on and also turned the fan....figuring that the light/sound/motion/poison combo would stave off the apocalypse for at least 12 hours. Now, being as smaart as we are...and since we just sprayed poison...and since the JBs are covered in some kind of slimy tile funk....we wisely planned to swap out the JBs after the trail had served its purpose (of course a few JB soldiers would fall before we could swap them out but that is life). EASTER MORNING! The kiddos got up and Kade was FULL THROTTLE picking up his trail. I even made his go under the coffee table...he gladly assumed his best Rambo crawl and powered on to the end. Miss Payton picked up the first 5 or so JBs and then walked about 3/4 of the way to the end and picked up another few....bypassing all the presents along the way....don't try to's a Payton thing ;-)

Later in the day we went over to a friends house for a late-lunch/early-dinner kind of thing. They Had Virginia Ham and New Jersey know....a Costa Rica Easter dinner! But the food was good and the drinks were great ;-) Until next Easter....

Oh...and which picture of Payton with her egg do you like best ;-) Someday when she is in her teens she will love me for this!!!

Hasta Luego!

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