Tuesday, September 15, 2009

What a week - and it is only Tuesday!

So this week has been a blur...and it is not even half over! First Payton finally decided to throw away her last pacifier so Mom took her out to do some "big girl" stuff in celebration. First she got to go to a nail place and get her nails done with mom. Then she got to go to Kohl's and pick out a new dress. She was beaming from ear to ear...especially when she got home and Skyped with both grandmas to show them her new pretty nails. So far so good...no paci regression.

Today Payton went to her new school for the first time -> Hopkinton Christian Preschool. It was just the open house....but it was a great first step. She really starts on Thursday morning...but as usual...she is ready to go!

Not to be outdone by his little sister...Kade had two exciting things happen today. First, he went to his new after "school" program called "Hooray for books". They read and then do neat activities like cooking or science projects. He had to take a different bus after school (bus J instead of bus A) which made it all the more exciting. He was really jazzed about the whole thing and apparently loved it.

But the biggest news of the day came at dinner when Kade's first front tooth decided to pop-out in the middle of eating his quesadilla. I saw him wince as if he had bit into something hard and I so I tried to get him to stop...but to no avail. The tooth ended up in his belly! He was quite distressed at first...until we explained that we could leave the tooth fairy a note and explain what happened...AND HE WOULD STILL GET HIS SURPRISE! That put the boy at ease...so we marched off to Friendly's for a 3 scoop Reece's Pieces Sundae to celebrate (just a mere 1,860 calories of celebration!!).

At bed time, as we were having our nightly chat in his room...he asked me how the tooth fairy could get into the house. Well, naturally it is the same way that Santa does...through the chimney of course! Then he asked me how the tooth fairy can lift his heavy head to get under the pillow..."does he use a small crane dad?". Well...it is a secret. You see...if he told people how he did that...then the next thing you know the Easter Bunny or the Boogy Man would be stealing teeth...and that just won't do at all. Finally, he informed me that the tooth fairy knows when to come get a tooth because God tells him. Then he said a little prayer to God, asking God to remind the tooth fairy that he had accidentally swallowed his tooth and to still come anyway and leave his surprise. The tooth fairy is actually leaving a note-card under the pillow tonight...explaining that he understood what happened and to not worry...it happens all the time! And then the note went on to explain that "all the money" he was expecting to get had been appropriated by the government to pay for health care, subsidizing the automobile pension plans, fight global warming, all the fees associated with the making of the Obama infomercial on Capital Hill, as well as other various critical social programs such as continuing the education of ACORN "advisors". Apparently anyone who makes over $2.50 is considered a high income earner (apparently the $250K promise was a teleprompter error)...Maybe next time kid. Ouch...times are tough when Obama starts taxing your tooth fairy income!! Just wait until Taxachusetts hears about that...they will be all over that gravy train! [ok, Jen made me take the last part out...she found the term gravy train offensive to trains...the rest was fine by her]

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