Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Introducing the SKYFORT!!!

So our family had a wonderful labor day weekend. It constituted of only one thing...putting together the Skyfort! Grandma Judy bought this gynormous play structure a few months back as a gift to the kiddos...and we finally got around to putting it together. Unfortunately it did not come pre-assembled. Instead it came in 5 huge boxes weighing ~900 lbs on an 18 wheeler. That was the first bad sign ;-) Not to worry...I had Kade, Payton and Avery there to help with assembly...this should be a breeze!

'Twas the night before assembly: 3 hours spent in the garage separating all the pieces by code so I wouldn't go crazy trying to find pieces the next morning. The good news was they only forgot to send me one board. 3 hours = ended the day at step 0.

Day 1: Full of uncertainty..."This is a big fargin' playset Jen!" Kade was impressive...he was out there the entirety of all three days! 5 hours = ended the day at step 25.

Day 2: The girls started getting into the action as you can see from the pictures. Also, Kade figured out that he could help keep track of all the wood pieces we were taking out of the garage in his notebook by writing them all down...good letter/number practice...Dad: "Kade, I am taking 'K4'"...Kade: "Check". 5 more hours = ended the day at step 54.

Day 3: Grandpa Poppy showed up to help speed up the process (so the theory goes). I am pretty sure he just smelled the cedar from home and started having withdrawals. 7 more hours = ended on step 94.

Day 3+: I came home early from work to finish the last bits and pieces. 2 more hours = completed the project on step 104. Total time = 22 hours. It could have been a LOT worse! The set is rock solid and crazy detailed as you can see. It even has 2 bay windows...someday I am going to look back on this and laugh...I just know it!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

OUTSTANDING!!! LOVE IT!!! Grandma Judy knows how to buy a playset!!! The kids look very happy with the completed project. And yes ... it indeed looks like a sky fort!!! Enjoy ...