Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Short return

The last three weeks have been hectic to say the least. First we were preparing for the kiddos first week of school, then Danno came into town with Cinnamon and then the whole fambly got the flu this past week...thus no blogging. Even tonight I would rather be in bed right now but between the Mrs. reminding me that "it is time to post to the blog again" and the pang of guilt I feel that Payton is getting gyped...I am sucking it up tonight.

First...Payton went potty all on her own last night....out of the blue. We set the training potty out about 4 weeks ago and we have all long since forgotten the failed experiment. Well, last night she simply took off her shorts, then her diaper and went all on her own. I didn't even know until about 5 mins later when I happened to notice a wet spot near the potty...and then saw that there was a big puddle in the potty. Way to go Payton!! I think Kade was more excited than anyone ;-)

Second, Payton went south at school on day the point where she made herself throw up...wonderful! So we finally broke in and let her take her chupetta (a.k.a., paci) with her to school. That next class with chupetta in hand...she cried for the first 15 mins or so but then decided that she was done. Apparently a LOT of the little tykes in Payton's class are having similar issues and the teachers deal more with crying kids than anything the teachers were happy that one of the kiddos finally started to get into the groove. The really funny part (as relayed from the quasi-English speaking teacher through the Mrs to me) is that apparently once Payton stopped crying she started walking around the room with tissues and wiping the tears from the other kiddo's eyes ;-) Now that I can TOTALLY see ... our little Miss Independence. Now the past few classes she has been doing better and better. Apparently today she did not cry at maybe just maybe we have already started to catch a break there. We will see.

Finally, Here's another Kade exchange we had in the car the other night:
Kade: "Mommy, I know why you don't like Costa Rica..."
Mom: "Really, why is that Kade?"
Kade: "Because all these friggin' Costa Rican's drive like idiots."
Seriously....we need to start thinking about what we say as adults!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh no I just had a good laugh...