Thursday, January 22, 2009

What the hell?

Lately we have been having some difficulties getting the kiddos to sleep at a reasonable hour. So tonight we changed our routine to get them into bed by 7:30. and pa lived up to their end of the bargain...both kiddos were in fact in bed at 7:30...but...the kiddos had another idea. They played and cried and played and cried for the better part of 2 hrs. Finally we got them both in their own rooms and lying down. Then about 30 mins later all was we decided to venture upstairs to see how it all turned out. This is what we found in Kade's bed (the white thing in the middle is some underwear! We are not sure where that came from...probably the bear since he is now necked):

Monday, January 19, 2009

Christmas Day!

So I am a little behind the times...what is new.  Jen did a good job posting lots of pictures of xmas to the you can scoot over HERE to see them.  Let me know if the link does not work.  As you can see from these pictures we all had a great time.  Santa was especially kind to me ;->!