So the last poll results are in...and it was a landslide...and yes, I hit my first motorcycle. Here in CR the

motorcycles are

everywhere - kind of reminds me of Penang. I was turning left and he was trying to pass me on my left...he ran out of room. That dent is from his helmet...yikes. I actually saw him at the very last minute hit the car and flip over his handlebars. Amazingly he was fine and with the help of some other folks who stopped, we got his bike patched up. Then he was off...apparently no harm no foul. Since I am driving a rental car with full insurance I didn't benefit.
Other than that things have been pretty tame the past week or so. We went for a hike last weekend but couldn't find the it ended up being a really long drive to eat lunch. At least the place was up on top of a mountain with awesome panoramic views...can't believe we didn't take a pic. As you can see from the pictures...Payton has started to climb. She loves to climb and I caught her in the act...standing on the chair. She also loves to go into the fridge on her own and pull out apricots. She will just go grab one and then walk around the house eating them...leaving a nice trail of apricot goo everywhere too....the ants love that.
I came home today and took the picture in the upper right hand corner. Now, people blame me for Kade showing signs of being a geek...but I have proof that Jen is ruining Payton!

Lastly, a picture of Kade caught in the act of "playing" in the pantry. For some reason he loves to line the juices is quite fun apparently. Hmmm - compulsive disorder in the making? Oh yeah...Kade's school. It is going awesome. He now leaves Jen in the morning with no tears and apparently plays fine all day long. This week we officially sent him to school in big boy underwear vs. pull-ups...and he hasn't had an accident all week. He is doing really well and now looks forward to school every morning. Thank goodness! And as you can also tell, the potty training is also going very well. Very few accidents now.